Where to begin? I really don't know. So much has been going on lately, it's hard to keep tabs on everything.
First off, School is going great! I'm having so much fun with everything! It's still hard to be away from Grisham for that long but, I know it's going to be worth it in the end. I can't believe how fast it's going!
Next, Clint My brother, left on his mission 5 days ago. I'm missing him so much. Which is weird because he's been away to logan utah for the past year so i hardly ever saw him. but i think it might be the fact that i know i cant see him for two years that's making me crazy. i know he's going to be a great missionary, he's been waiting his whole life for this opportunity, and i'm very excited for him.
Grisham is growing so fast. He's getting so big! He's crawling all over the place now, it's driving me nuts. I had a baby gate for my stairs but it was broken so i'm constantly trying to keep him away, i never knew a 9 month old could crawl so freaking fast.
I auditioned for the musical Hairspray today. My audition went very well. In my opinion i was the best musically, yet my monologue could have used some more work. I'll find out if i made call backs by monday.
I saw the newest Pirates film. It was disappointing to say the least. I knew that it wasnt going to be the greatest, but....it was kind of terrible. The mermaid story was my favorite part. I was also all psyched up about the zombie pirates...but there were none. it was just really long and boring. Dont get me wrong, it's a great movie, but compared next to the other pirates movies...it was stupid. :]
Well, it's 1:30 in the morning and i'm exhausted so i'm going to get some sleep.
more to come.
The Kimery's Kitchen Table

Sunday, May 22, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
So, haven't posted in a couple days or so. We've been so so busy. We've been trying to get my mom packed up, her last day in Idaho is tomorrow, which is so hard, but like i said from previous posts, I could not be happier for her.
The other night I was at Wal-Mart shopping for some teether cookies for Grisham...(yes, he's already getting his bottom two teeth in!) when I ran into my longtime best friend Josh Harris. Josh is currently going to school at Paul Mitchell Hair Academy in Rexburg ID. He is so amazingly talented. He has done some amazing things, well, he was showing me some pictures of a model he had been working on. I decided right then that I needed to go to school. So I set up an appointment for the next day, and now I should be starting school on TUESDAY! I AM SO EXCITED! Cosmetology is something that I have wanted to do for a long long time. Ever since my mom went to school for it years ago.
As far as Geremy goes, he is just being a dad right now. He is an amazing dad, so good with Grisham. He's still looking for a job too. Things are going a lot better though. He's currently on the floor playing with Grisham.
Grisham is developing so well. Like I said, he is already getting his teeth. He loves to giggle and play, and he's getting SO BIG. No hair yet, but he's got the CUTEST personality. He's fussy lately, just because of the teeth, but he's doing great with it.
It's time for dinner.
More to come.
The other night I was at Wal-Mart shopping for some teether cookies for Grisham...(yes, he's already getting his bottom two teeth in!) when I ran into my longtime best friend Josh Harris. Josh is currently going to school at Paul Mitchell Hair Academy in Rexburg ID. He is so amazingly talented. He has done some amazing things, well, he was showing me some pictures of a model he had been working on. I decided right then that I needed to go to school. So I set up an appointment for the next day, and now I should be starting school on TUESDAY! I AM SO EXCITED! Cosmetology is something that I have wanted to do for a long long time. Ever since my mom went to school for it years ago.
As far as Geremy goes, he is just being a dad right now. He is an amazing dad, so good with Grisham. He's still looking for a job too. Things are going a lot better though. He's currently on the floor playing with Grisham.
Grisham is developing so well. Like I said, he is already getting his teeth. He loves to giggle and play, and he's getting SO BIG. No hair yet, but he's got the CUTEST personality. He's fussy lately, just because of the teeth, but he's doing great with it.
It's time for dinner.
More to come.
So, haven't posted in a couple days or so. We've been so so busy. We've been trying to get my mom packed up, her last day in Idaho is tomorrow, which is so hard, but like i said from previous posts, I could not be happier for her.
The other night I was at Wal-Mart shopping for some teether cookies for Grisham...(yes, he's already getting his bottom two teeth in!) when I ran into my longtime best friend Josh Harris. Josh is currently going to school at Paul Mitchell Hair Academy in Rexburg ID. He is so amazingly talented. He has done some amazing things, well, he was showing me some pictures of a model he had been working on. I decided right then that I needed to go to school. So I set up an appointment for the next day, and now I should be starting school on TUESDAY! I AM SO EXCITED! Cosmetology is something that I have wanted to do for a long long time. Ever since my mom went to school for it years ago.
As far as Geremy goes, he is just being a dad right now. He is an amazing dad, so good with Grisham. He's still looking for a job too. Things are going a lot better though. He's currently on the floor playing with Grisham.
Grisham is developing so well. Like I said, he is already getting his teeth. He loves to giggle and play, and he's getting SO BIG. No hair yet, but he's got the CUTEST personality. He's fussy lately, just because of the teeth, but he's doing great with it.
It's time for dinner.
More to come.
The other night I was at Wal-Mart shopping for some teether cookies for Grisham...(yes, he's already getting his bottom two teeth in!) when I ran into my longtime best friend Josh Harris. Josh is currently going to school at Paul Mitchell Hair Academy in Rexburg ID. He is so amazingly talented. He has done some amazing things, well, he was showing me some pictures of a model he had been working on. I decided right then that I needed to go to school. So I set up an appointment for the next day, and now I should be starting school on TUESDAY! I AM SO EXCITED! Cosmetology is something that I have wanted to do for a long long time. Ever since my mom went to school for it years ago.
As far as Geremy goes, he is just being a dad right now. He is an amazing dad, so good with Grisham. He's still looking for a job too. Things are going a lot better though. He's currently on the floor playing with Grisham.
Grisham is developing so well. Like I said, he is already getting his teeth. He loves to giggle and play, and he's getting SO BIG. No hair yet, but he's got the CUTEST personality. He's fussy lately, just because of the teeth, but he's doing great with it.
It's time for dinner.
More to come.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Weekend Crazies
We've had a rough weekend! Fortunately, it wasn't all bad. My son and I, are both sick. Grisham has had a cold for the past three days, and now I've got something. At least we have Geremy who takes such good care of us. Chicken Doodle soup. (yes, doodle).
As far as life goes, things could be worse, Not to say that things aren't rough right now. But with family support and an optimistic attitude, life isn't that bad. I have the greatest family in the world, and I was fortunate enough to gain even more family members over the weekend.
My wonderful mom was married on the 17th. It was a very small and enjoyable ceremony, with only immediate family, up in Jackson Hole WY. Wayne, (my new stepdad) is the most awesome guy, He and my mom are perfect for each other. I couldn't be more happy for them.
Also over the weekend Geremy and I both had job interviews, His was at Maverick (gas stations) which would be a GREAT job for him. Mine was at District 91 for a lunch lady Substitute (which would also be a good job.) Both interviews went great! We find out tomorrow their decisions. I also have two interviews scheduled for this upcoming week. One at Qwest and one at Hastings for a barista. I REALLY would love working a Cafe again, But Qwest is good money, and I think I could do well there.
I have to keep reminding myself daily that life is good, the sunshine helps so much with everyones attitude! I am so grateful that it is actually starting to be warmer outside, it couldnt have come at a more convenient time!
Time to watch the office and try to sleep off some of this cold!
As far as life goes, things could be worse, Not to say that things aren't rough right now. But with family support and an optimistic attitude, life isn't that bad. I have the greatest family in the world, and I was fortunate enough to gain even more family members over the weekend.
My wonderful mom was married on the 17th. It was a very small and enjoyable ceremony, with only immediate family, up in Jackson Hole WY. Wayne, (my new stepdad) is the most awesome guy, He and my mom are perfect for each other. I couldn't be more happy for them.
Also over the weekend Geremy and I both had job interviews, His was at Maverick (gas stations) which would be a GREAT job for him. Mine was at District 91 for a lunch lady Substitute (which would also be a good job.) Both interviews went great! We find out tomorrow their decisions. I also have two interviews scheduled for this upcoming week. One at Qwest and one at Hastings for a barista. I REALLY would love working a Cafe again, But Qwest is good money, and I think I could do well there.
I have to keep reminding myself daily that life is good, the sunshine helps so much with everyones attitude! I am so grateful that it is actually starting to be warmer outside, it couldnt have come at a more convenient time!
Time to watch the office and try to sleep off some of this cold!
Monday, February 14, 2011
St. Valentines....
Today I had the wonderful opportunity to hang out with my mom again. I've been trying to spend as much time with her as possible because of her upcoming move. I can't believe that she is leaving in three days. But, on a much happier note, I've had a wonderful day.
Today was Valentines day, and I was able to spend a much needed evening with my Husband Geremy. I spent the majority of the morning helping my mom pack up her house while Geremy was home working his behind off getting my house extraordinarily clean. I couldn't believe when i walked in to the house, how amazing it looked, he really worked his ass off. He also bought me flowers and gummies today (i'm not a chocolate fan.)
I spent the afternoon cooking him a really nice dinner. I was so proud about how everything turned out. I cooked steak and mushrooms, with corn on the cob and crab salad. We ate by candle light. :] I also made this amazing cake/brownie thingy, that turned out GREAT!
We are currently sitting at moms house again, watching Despicable Me, with my sister and bro-in-law, and my son, so i'm going to get back to being with my family.
More to come soon.
Today was Valentines day, and I was able to spend a much needed evening with my Husband Geremy. I spent the majority of the morning helping my mom pack up her house while Geremy was home working his behind off getting my house extraordinarily clean. I couldn't believe when i walked in to the house, how amazing it looked, he really worked his ass off. He also bought me flowers and gummies today (i'm not a chocolate fan.)
I spent the afternoon cooking him a really nice dinner. I was so proud about how everything turned out. I cooked steak and mushrooms, with corn on the cob and crab salad. We ate by candle light. :] I also made this amazing cake/brownie thingy, that turned out GREAT!
We are currently sitting at moms house again, watching Despicable Me, with my sister and bro-in-law, and my son, so i'm going to get back to being with my family.
More to come soon.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
In the Beginning.......
These are the Voyages of the Starship Enterprise.....
I have been itching to start a blog, for my family and I, but I'd never really had the time to do it. Today seemed like as good a day as any. I'm sitting here watching my son play in his "exersaucer", and reveling about how amazing he is. My life has been and is increasingly become AWESOME!
So much has happened over the last year, it's hard to wrap my mind around it. Anything from New Jobs to New babies! Geremy and I have recently started our life together. And this post is going to attempt to catch the readers (if any) up to the present. Geremy and I met just about two years ago. We met through a mutual friend Logan Meyers. I was living in the 13th house, as Geremy was a "frequenter" of said facilities. The 13th house was an era that shall not be long forgotten, But that is another story, for another time, or blog rather.
After many attempts to try to woo said Geremy, and many unsuccessful tries, we finally hit it off and started dating in August of 2009. Geremy was my roommate at the time, and it was fun, playing house for a while, however uncouth our lifestyle was. (if you had ever visited the 13th house you would understand.) After our lease was up we decided to move to a quaint apartment or fourplex, which Geremy's dad owns. I loved this apartment. Two bedrooms and a pretty large living room, and a semi quiet neighborhood, except for the one time that the Payless Shoe Store was robbed, which was one street away from our place. All in all i was enjoying our adventures at the Gladstone house, and subsequently had fallen in love with Geremy Earl Kimery.
In January of 2010, I started to act really really weird, being overly emotional and very, for lack of a better word, "bitchy". I couldnt handle my emotions. For about a month I shrugged it off saying it was no more than Seasonal Depression, oh how wrong I was.
Jokingly one night I told Geremy my issues were just do to a pregnancy and I should just take a pregnancy test and confirm the fact that i was pregnant. I REALLY WAS KIDDING! But....I was pregnant. In fact, I was already Two months pregnant. I kept thinking over and over..."how in the hell could this happen"....When my mother pointed out the obvious...."Well duh"!
After many nights of heartache, and stomachaches, I had come to the conclusion that this is a great thing. And that this is happening for a reason. In early april we had the wonderful opportunity of finding out that we were having a little boy. I had never seen Geremy this way. So emotional about such a good thing. He couldnt believe that it was a little boy, We had decided right then and there that we were going to be parents and we were going to be the best parents that we could be.
In early April of 2010 we mutually decided over a game of "left for dead" that we were going to be married. We were engaged for a month and then married on June 5th 2010. The day was amazingly beautiful and I couldnt have asked for a more enchanting day.
So after many long nights of staying up puking my guts out, many bags of oreo's, countless soft pretzles, And much deliberation of names, Our beautiful son was born on August 23rd 2010. Grisham Earl Kimery.
I took a two month maternity leave and loved being with my song. But it was time to return to work. We were living with My mom at the time, and we decided now that we were starting our own family we needed to move out to our own place. We found a quaint two bedroom apartment a street away from our previous apartment.
At first glance the apartment was disgusting. We gutted it out, fresh coats of paint and many attempts at steam cleaning the carpets, it finally looks like home. I love living there, and I especially love going home to my family.
So this brings us up to the present. Today is February 13th 2010. I am hanging out with my Mom and Grandpa, I've had such an enjoyable day, and I am headed home to be with my husband. This week is an exciting week. My mom is getting married on Thursday and after a life full of being within 10 minutes of my mother, she is moving 8 hours away. I am having a particularly hard time with this, because at the same time, my brother is going on a mission, and Amanda and Mike, (my sister and bro-in law) are contemplating moving as well. Life can be hard, but let me tell you, it is worth the heartache and the pain, when you get to love who you have become and who you are associated with. My family is my life, and I cant imagine it without them.
Tillll next time..........
I have been itching to start a blog, for my family and I, but I'd never really had the time to do it. Today seemed like as good a day as any. I'm sitting here watching my son play in his "exersaucer", and reveling about how amazing he is. My life has been and is increasingly become AWESOME!
So much has happened over the last year, it's hard to wrap my mind around it. Anything from New Jobs to New babies! Geremy and I have recently started our life together. And this post is going to attempt to catch the readers (if any) up to the present. Geremy and I met just about two years ago. We met through a mutual friend Logan Meyers. I was living in the 13th house, as Geremy was a "frequenter" of said facilities. The 13th house was an era that shall not be long forgotten, But that is another story, for another time, or blog rather.
After many attempts to try to woo said Geremy, and many unsuccessful tries, we finally hit it off and started dating in August of 2009. Geremy was my roommate at the time, and it was fun, playing house for a while, however uncouth our lifestyle was. (if you had ever visited the 13th house you would understand.) After our lease was up we decided to move to a quaint apartment or fourplex, which Geremy's dad owns. I loved this apartment. Two bedrooms and a pretty large living room, and a semi quiet neighborhood, except for the one time that the Payless Shoe Store was robbed, which was one street away from our place. All in all i was enjoying our adventures at the Gladstone house, and subsequently had fallen in love with Geremy Earl Kimery.
In January of 2010, I started to act really really weird, being overly emotional and very, for lack of a better word, "bitchy". I couldnt handle my emotions. For about a month I shrugged it off saying it was no more than Seasonal Depression, oh how wrong I was.
Jokingly one night I told Geremy my issues were just do to a pregnancy and I should just take a pregnancy test and confirm the fact that i was pregnant. I REALLY WAS KIDDING! But....I was pregnant. In fact, I was already Two months pregnant. I kept thinking over and over..."how in the hell could this happen"....When my mother pointed out the obvious...."Well duh"!
After many nights of heartache, and stomachaches, I had come to the conclusion that this is a great thing. And that this is happening for a reason. In early april we had the wonderful opportunity of finding out that we were having a little boy. I had never seen Geremy this way. So emotional about such a good thing. He couldnt believe that it was a little boy, We had decided right then and there that we were going to be parents and we were going to be the best parents that we could be.
In early April of 2010 we mutually decided over a game of "left for dead" that we were going to be married. We were engaged for a month and then married on June 5th 2010. The day was amazingly beautiful and I couldnt have asked for a more enchanting day.
We didnt get to go on a honeymoon really, being 7 months pregnant made travelling difficult. We were able to escape for a night down to SLC though, were we enjoyed a day at the Hogle Zoo, Which was SOOOO fun. I had such a good time, and will always remember that day. 
At first glance the apartment was disgusting. We gutted it out, fresh coats of paint and many attempts at steam cleaning the carpets, it finally looks like home. I love living there, and I especially love going home to my family.
So this brings us up to the present. Today is February 13th 2010. I am hanging out with my Mom and Grandpa, I've had such an enjoyable day, and I am headed home to be with my husband. This week is an exciting week. My mom is getting married on Thursday and after a life full of being within 10 minutes of my mother, she is moving 8 hours away. I am having a particularly hard time with this, because at the same time, my brother is going on a mission, and Amanda and Mike, (my sister and bro-in law) are contemplating moving as well. Life can be hard, but let me tell you, it is worth the heartache and the pain, when you get to love who you have become and who you are associated with. My family is my life, and I cant imagine it without them.
Tillll next time..........
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